In order to reaching these results which are crucial to our society, we kindly request the realization of the developments defined in the discussion paper entitled “National Strategy for the Development of Nursing Care Professionals in Hungary” by the 2030, based on the following main elements: advancing the number of nurses to the EU average, doubling the number /proportion of Bachelor nurses, nearing the patient/nurse proportion and the certified nurse ratio to the internationally recommended ratio, introducing a nurse career-model, among others by securing the advance practice of Master/Bachelor nurses and the sufficient salary of every level, suitable re-organization of vocational nurse education as associate degree education - suitable for the EU directive, ensuring this way the opportunity for vocational nurses to qualify themselves to Bachelor nurses in 2,5 years supporting the atypical employment of nurses. In order to facilitate all of this, we would like to ask the Ministry of Human Resources to establish a working committee with the following signatory and other organizations in the topic of the discussion paper of Nursing Development Strategy as a result of this prepare a proposal for a government decision.

The bibliographic references of the data on the figure can be found in the bibliography of the discussion paper entitled “National Strategy for the Development of Nursing Care Professionals in Hungary”.